Better for the animals,
the planet & your health
Why Hurt or Kill Animals When You Don't Need To?
Animal agriculture and fishing are destroying the rainforests, the atmosphere and the oceans.
There are 8,000,000,000 (8 billion) humans living on the planet. Each year 80,000,000,000 (80 billion) land animals are killed by animal agriculture and about 2,500,000,000,000 (2.5 trillion) fish are killed.
The food you eat can be the safest and most powerful medicine or the slowest form of poison. ~ Ann Wigmore
Wholefood plant-based diets are far healthier than diets containing carcinogens like red meat and processed meat.
Vegan diets are known to unclog blocked arteries, reverse heart disease & diabetes as well as having other benefits.
These are the topics on the Be Vegan Today blog
Vegan Starter Kits
Why love one but eat the other?
Definition of veganism
Veganism or vegetarianism - what is the difference?
AHIMSA = non-violence
Why meat should be off the menu by Philip Wollen
Why aren't you vegan - is there any selfless reason?
Reasons to be Vegan x 100
30 million other reasons - the animals - are killed every minute
What do vegans do?
What vegans do NOT do?
Environmental benefits of veganism?
The best vegan song?
Links to a few helpful vegan websites
How Many Animals Are Killed?
Vivisection and animal experiments
Insanely cruel, unnecessary and completely pointless.
"No animal experiment ever conducted has ever helped any human patient. Not one human life has ever been saved by vivisection. No animal experiment conducted in the future will help human patients."
~ Dr Vernon Coleman
"The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear"
Quotes about veganism
Animal Farmers Going Vegan
Pregnancy, Babies and Children
Abolish? Animal Rights versus Animal Welfare
Pets? Yes? No? Adopt or buy?
Hens, chicks and Eggs
Vegan YouTube Channels
The Very Cruel Dairy Industry
What to Eat
What NOT to Eat
Food as Medicine
Vegan Movies
Wearing Animals - as clothing
Vegan Celebrities / People
Bees make honey - for bees
Palm Oil
Coming soon... probably... posts on...
* A Living Kitchen
* Sanctuaries and/or zoos?
* Rest in Peace
* Veganism NOT vegans
* Vegan books